But that was when I was 13. I didn't have much experience in the world and I thought using baby oil as sunscreen was a good idea. Since then I've come to associate paint splatter as one of those beginning Photoshop tutorials.
Which means there must be a lot of beginning Photoshop students designing clothes these days.

Hey fashion students! It's supposed to be about reinventing. Re-inventing! That means taking an old style and making it modern. Not just watching Flashdance, throwing something together and thinking no one will notice.

OK, this one is kind of cool. It's got rips! And paint splatters! And geometric shapes! I want to pair it with a fedora and some pegged pants. Think I can wear it to a parent-teacher conference?

There is even an entire section of Zazzle just for paint splattered Keds!

(Repeat after self: I am not 13. I am not 13. I am not 13.)
[photo 1|photo 2|photo 3|photo 4]