Entertainment Weekly broke the news this week that NBC is in talks with Bryan Fuller (the guy behind the cancelled Pushing Daisies) to revive... The Munsters! Now, I realize that this show originally aired in the 1960s, but it re-ran all the time when I grew up so it's kinda of an integral part of my '80s childhood.
It's being touted as "Modern Family meets True Blood" (*snicker*) and Guillermo del Toro of all people is rumored to be interested in working on it.
I liked this show as a kid, but even then I recognized that it was incredibly cornball. Paired with The Addams Family (which, by the way, is currently a Broadway musical) it was an hour of cheesy gothness that I enjoyed.
Vampires are so hot right now that I guess I shouldn't be surprised that networks are looking to resurrect genre shows in their back catalogue but I'm not sure The Munsters is the way to go. I mean, Grampa Munster doesn't even sparkle in the sunlight!
In any case, there's no way the new theme song will beat this:
Any Munsters fans out there? Would you watch a Munsters show as pitched above? Was I the only girl kinda creeped out by little Eddie Munster?