After recently buying the franchise rights, Warner Bros is making actual plans for a Fletch remake. Or reboot. Or reimagining. Or whatever. The important part is the "re" part. They're re-something-ing Fletch, one of the funniest movies in the Chevy Chase milieu. Circa 1985. Previous attempts at this have resulted in big-time Fail. Even Kevin Smith took at writing a new screenplay a while back and couldn't make it happen.
The original Fletch is infinitely quotable, due more to Chase's creative skills than the original script, we're told. I'm having to struggle not to just start typing out lines right now. ("Can I borrow your towel? My car just hit a water buffalo.")
The Internet is a-buzzing with ideas about who should play Irwin M. Fletcher (aka Dr. Rosenpenis, John Cocktosten, Ted Nugent, Arnold Babar, and Mr. Poon) next. So what names are allegedly being tossed around in big-time Producer offices, and what do we think of the options?
Jack Black (No.)
Paul Rudd (No.)
Zack Galifianakis (No.)
Steve Carrell (No.)
Will Ferrell (NO NO NO NO. You know they're gonna give it to Ferrell. And yet I say NO!)
Joel McHale (... maybe?)
I can sort of see McHale pulling it off. I wonder what sort of wonderfully awkward vibe such a casting move would have on the set of Community. The rumor mills have always claimed that Chase himself has been adamantly opposed to a new Fletch movie starring Not Him.
What do you think? If the powers that be insist on tarnishing the mantle of our beloved Fletch, who do you think should play him next?