I'm going to tell you why you will

This is the perfect little wireless Bluetooth speaker: small enough to pack anywhere, but loud enough to pack a punch. It's sleek and comes in seven eye-catching colors. This is perfect for a dorm room, bedroom, or your cubicle.

Fear Of A Black Planet (Deluxe Edition)
R.E.M.'s 1991 concert on MTV's Unplugged was one of the best of the series, and a pivotal moment for the band and its fans. Coupled for the first time with the band's 2001 appearance on Unplugged, this 33-song set is a must for every R.E.M. fan.
We crowned Songs From The Big Chair the best album of 1985, so to say we were pretty psyched about this release is an understatement. The Super Deluxe version comes with 4 CDs and 2 DVDs. There are tons of remixes, as well as acapella, instrumental, and live versions of all your favorite songs. If you loved Songs, you need this.
This is the captivating autobiography of The Slits' Liv Albertine. Albertine pulls no punches in Clothes, especially when she turns the microscope on herself. Hell, the book starts out with the following introduction: "Anyone who writes an autobiography is either a twat or broke. I'm a bit of both," so you know you're in for a great ride. The book is packed with fascinating stories and images from the punk guitarist that influenced countless musicians, and is perfect for any fan of The Slits or punk music.
Disclosure: We received review copies of the products mentioned above for consideration of inclusion in our gift guide. These are the best of the items we received.