Drumroll? Let's.
The Culture Brats Top Ten Television Shows Of 2010
- The Walking Dead
- Lost
- Modern Family
- True Blood
- 30 Rock
- The Big Bang Theory
- Tosh.0
- Dexter
- Burn Notice
- The Amazing Race (tie)
- Sherlock (tie)
- Survivor (tie)

And now we have a special treat for you! If you've ever wondered which Brat's television viewing habits most closely resemble your own, wonder no more! Here are the Top 10 lists of every Brat who participated:
- Dexter
- True Blood
- Tosh.0
- Spartacus: Blood And Sand
- Breaking Bad
- Family Guy
- American Dad
- Top Gear
- Hell's Kitchen
- Hellcats

- The Walking Dead
- 30 Rock
- Lost
- Sherlock
- Futurama
- True Blood
- Castle
- Mad Men
- Glee
- Spartacus: Blood And Sand

- Modern Family
- Tosh.0
- The Boondocks
- Destination Truth
- Real World/Road Rules Challenge
- Friday Night Lights
- The Big Bang Theory
- How I Met Your Mother
- No Ordinary Family
- The Walking Dead

- Modern Family
- The Walking Dead
- Tosh.0
- The Big Bang Theory
- Community
- True Blood
- Archer
- Adventure Time

- The Walking Dead
- Smallville
- Lost
- The Gates
- The Amazing Race
- Survivor
- Hell's Kitchen
- True Blood
- Castle
- Lie To Me

- The Walking Dead
- Modern Family
- 30 Rock
- Sherlock
- Cougar Town
- The Big Bang Theory
- It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
- How I Met Your Mother
- True Blood
- Lost

- Dexter
- Lost
- Modern Family
- True Blood
- The Walking Dead
- South Park
- SpongeBob SquarePants
- 30 Rock
- How I Met Your Mother
- Law & Order: SVU

- Two And A Half Men
- The Big Bang Theory
- Lost
- Mad Men
- Grey's Anatomy
- Private Practice
- Brothers & Sisters
- American Pickers
- Survivor
- Wipeout

- Lost
- Modern Family
- 30 Rock
- Cougar Town
- Outsourced
- Saturday Night Live

- Modern Family
- Lost
- The Amazing Race
- Survivor
- Family Guy
- Dragon's Den/Shark Tank
- Dexter

- The Walking Dead
- Sons Of Anarchy
- Lost
- Burn Notice
- White Collar
- How I Met Your Mother
- Castle
- Justified
- Rubicon
- Caprica

- Dollhouse
- Glee
- Burn Notice
- Ugly Betty
- The Walking Dead
- Bones
- Drop Dead Diva
- Royal Pains
- Haven
- Huge
