A Hand. Rotary. Saw. What? Seriously, I want this! There are moments where I need to quickly cut through some pvc pipe, metal, or wood and I don't want to mess with finding the appropriate (or not so) hand saw (and *ahem* breaking it). And for those more delicate cuts I'm also lusting after this baby, the Rockwell Trans4mer.
Recommended By: The Weirdgirl

Keep track of your kids, pets, spouse, or elderly relatives when they wander off with this real-time GPS device. Just slap it on a backpack or collar (you know those older folks and their collars!) and get location updates from your smartphone.
Recommended By: The Weirdgirl

You've always wanted your own video arcade. I know I did... and I have one. But if you don't have a huge basement, a truck, and a ton of spare time to troubleshoot 30-year-old electronics, the iCade is the next best thing. Just slip your iPad into this little retro-style cabinet, download your favorite games of yesteryear from among the tons of Atari classic arcade games on iTunes, and you have a portable arcade at your fingertips. It's the next best thing to being there. Better, really. No quarters required.
Recommended By: Dave

Weight loss is the number one New Year's resolution. This little wristband works with an app on your iPhone to track just about everything - sleep, what you eat, how many calories you've burned, and it even reminds you to get up and walk away from your computer.
Recommended By: Archphoenix

I've been wanting an e-reader for a long time but I just couldn't justify the earlier costlier models. While we do have an iPad, I got quickly tired of fighting with family members over it. For me to sit quietly and use it for *gasp* reading was simply not as important as their incessant game time. Well, with the new Kindle Fire, its slim, portable design, range of features and a lower cost point, I feel like I can finally splurge. Now a full-on tablet with apps, movies, web browsing, as well as *gasp* books, the Kindle also gives extra perks for those compulsive shoppers with Amazon Prime accounts (me! me!). And if my family thinks the Kindle Fire is just for boring old reading, who am I to tell them differently?
Recommended By: The Weirdgirl

Most people know about HD radio but they forget about the infinite options of Wifi. With a Wifi radio you can listen to music and talk radio shows from literally around the world. Basically, if a radio station is streamed on the Internet, one of these radios will let you hear it without sitting at your computer. It'll also connect to your personal iTunes collection via your network. Got a favorite genre of music that doesn't get played on your local stations? Wifi, baby. My husband currently has an English soccer station, an indie punk station, '80s metal, and news from around the world on rotation with his, and he's asked for a second Wifi radio for Christmas.
Recommended By: The Weirdgirl

Me. I really, really, really, REALLY WANT THIS. I remember the first time I saw one of these in the '80s. It was at Pizza Hut and it was a Ms. Pac-Man table. It blew my mind. This model loads up 13 classic Atari games for you to play.
Recommended By: Archphoenix

Confession: I want to be as green as possible but I HATE the way energy-efficient bulbs look. They are often ugly and the light is funky. Then I saw these and fell into some serious like. I'm digging this LED-powered bulb's metal hardware design; I can already picture it in a sweet steampunk fixture or teching up a regular old lamp. The color of the light is warmer and closer to incandescent bulbs, it comes in 100, 75, 60, or 45-watt option, and will last 20,000 hours! Green has gotten just a touch cooler.
Recommended By: The Weirdgirl

Ok, this isn't actually available in America. I don't know why because it's freaking awesome. I mean, how amazing would this look sitting on your kitchen counter? Come on, Kitchenaid, we want some here in the US of A!
Recommended By: Archphoenix