Where to Buy: Toys 'R' Us
Description: The bitch is back! Strawberry Shortcake and all her scented friends are back, updated, and ready to play with your kids. There's a whole slew of Strawberry products now.
Who It's For: Girls who like pink.

Where to Buy: Toys 'R' Us
Description: A classic game of marble chomping hippo fighting.
Who It's For: Kids of all ages

Where to Buy: Etsy
Description: Send your kids to school in style. Check out this Etsy shop for tons of retro albums recycled into notebook covers.
Who It's For: Cool kids who understand good music. Or their parents.

Where to Buy: Amazon.com
Description: Remember the old Playskool Alphie? It was a little educational toy robot with cards that you loaded in to learn stuff. Well Alphie 2.0 is out for you to get for the kids of today.
Who It's For: Your smartie smart kids

Where to Buy: Amazon
Description: Granted, it's not nearly as awesome as the Trapper Keepers that we grew up with, but it is a Trapper Keeper. They're great for school kids to get organized. And hey, teach your kids how to use puffy paint and stickers to 80s this thing up.
Who It's For: Organized kids

Where to Buy: Walgreens
Description: Lisa Frank, the designer of many collections of popular stickers sets of the '80s is back with an all new super collection of brightly colored stickers.
Who It's For: Sassy girls who like bright colors

Where to Buy: Urban Outfitters
Description: Remember this? It plays plastic records with old children's tunes like "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "London Bridge." Your kids will probably be confused because it doesn't have a touchscreen.
Who It's For: Kids who like music

Where to Buy: ThinkGeek
Description: Collectible box. Marshmallows. Ghostbusters. CAFFEINE. Why haven't you bought these yet?
Who It's For: Someone with a sweet tooth. Anyone who works nights. Kids big and small.

Where to Buy: Amazon
Description: Is it a monkey? Is it a vague hominid? Is it a creature who should probably get those freckles checked by a dermatologist? Who cares! It's cute and cuddly and sucks its thumb. 'Nuff said.
Who It's For: For those who love to snuggle

Where to Buy: Toys 'R' Us
Description: The Rubik's Cube updated to incorporate 6 electronic games that test your speed and smarts. As if the original wasn't frustrating enough.
Who It's For: Kids that are totally not impressed by your mad original Rubik's Cube skills

Where to Buy: Topps Online Store
Description: The original Garbage Pail kids reissued to titillate a whole new generation of kids and irritate today's teachers.
Who It's For: Kids who like the gross out factor

Where to Buy: Hometown Favorites
Description: Includes Candy Necklace, Mike & Ike Originals, Zero Bar, Wonka Bottlecaps, Cry Baby Tears , Smarties Big Roll and over 20 more... oh my god!
Who It's For: Parents. (Kids don't need all that sugar anyway.)

Where to Buy: Amazon
Description: It's like an easy bake oven for bugs, sans the calories.
Who It's For: Aspiring mad scientists or pastry chefs.

Where to Buy: Amazon
Description: OK, there's so much going on here I almost don't know what to say. You've got lip smackers, Coke (as always branding itself to high heaven with Christmas), and a Christmas stocking decorated with snowflakes and cola bottles. The only thing that's missing is a picture of that polar bear slathering on gloss all over his super smooth kisser. (Like that's not disturbing.)
Who It's For: Kids who don't like the chapping